MelodyMorrison PianoPerformanceDegree

At first, Melody didn’t see how a four-year degree in music would be practical—especially a degree in piano performance. So she decided to major in accounting instead, and keep piano as a minor. But the longer Melody studied at Corban, the more she realized she wanted music to play a bigger role in her life.

David Giglio bb

“I’m a moderate conservative libertarian,” David says. The use of labels doesn’t seem to bother him; rather, he says, “Language is how we understand the world.” Learn how David’s philosophy of politics has grown and changed over time, informed by his faith and by the four years he spent as a political science student at Corban.

Cameroon Pastor Training Commencement

This past May, ministry faculty Dr. Greg Trull, Dr. Sam Baker, and Dr. Tim Anderson traveled to Cameroon, West Africa, along with seven ministry students, for a sweet time of ministry, teaching, and celebration. While students participated in a variety of ministry opportunities, faculty prepared Corban’s second cohort of pastors for graduation.

Emily Abbey

Corban University’s Theatre Camp is fast approaching! From July 23 to August 4, students entering grades 4–12 will be exploring different facets of theatre, from script writing to costuming to choreography. Get to know one of the instructors, Emily Abbey, who has years of acting experience and a passion for educational theatre.

JanetMatani HealthScienceDegree

If you ask Janet Matani how she came to Corban, she’ll respond, “In a long, long, stressful way!” Growing up in Jayapura, Indonesia, Janet didn’t see herself as the kind of student who would be eligible for a scholarship—much less a scholarship to study internationally. Learn how she ended up studying Health Science at Corban University.

NathanCompton MusicEducationDegree

Although Nathan grew up five minutes from Corban University, he hadn’t really considered applying. “Up until the summer before my senior year, I barely thought about Corban as an option,” he says, “because I was going back and forth between music and engineering.” Learn how Nathan decided to study at Corban to become a music educator.

Papuan Student Graduation Reception

On Friday, May 4, a reception was held to honor the three Papuan students graduating from Corban University. Guests enjoyed hearing the graduates’ testimonies, listening to music performed in both English and Bahasa, and being encouraged by words from Dr. Sheldon Nord, President, and Dr. Wally Wiley, visitor from Indonesia.

Graduation hug

On Saturday, May 5, Corban University welcomed 249 new graduates into the world. A breezy 74 degrees greeted Corban graduates and their friends and family as they gathered on the lawn of the Salem Armory, ready to celebrate their hard-won accomplishments.

Business as Missions

“You either serve God or you serve money,” Corban alumnus Jeff Coffey was told over and over in his early days in ministry. For years, Jeff tried to adhere to the idea that ministry should be free from the bonds of business. But his creativity and entrepreneurial mind kept insisting otherwise.


Corban University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and completed a Year-Seven Comprehensive (Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)) in 2022 for continued accreditation. The comprehensive self-study was followed by an onsite evaluation in October 2022. In February 2023, Corban received reaffirmation of its accreditation for 7 years. Corban University’s last Mid-Cycle Evaluation was fall 2018, and its Policies, Regulations and Financial Review (PRFR) was completed in fall 2021. As of our most recent evaluation, Corban University is compliant with the Standards, Policies, and Eligibility Requirements of the NWCCU.