
Our love for God and His Word is at the heart of all we do at Corban. We encourage students to continually align their hearts with the Lord by providing opportunities for spiritual growth in all shapes and sizes, including chapel three times a week.

Each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00-10:50 a.m. in the Psalm Center, chapel is held for the entire Corban community to worship together and receive encouragement from God’s Word.

Wednesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. in the Psalm Center, Corban’s Student Government Association (SGA) leads an intentional time of worship and prayer to focus on the Lord and His work in our lives.

Watch Chapel

Join us virtually! Watch chapel via livestream at 10:00a.m. Pacific on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Click here.

You can also view previous chapel recordings on our YouTube chapel playlist.

Annual Theme: “Your Word is Truth”

Each year at Corban, we explore one area of our four-year cycle of biblical themes that are central to our campus life: Authority/Truth, Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

For the 2024-2025 school year, our focus is on Authority, and we have chosen John 17:17 (ESV) as our key verse: “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”

Many of this year’s chapels will explore this and other supporting passages. In our current culture where personal truth triumphs in some circles and “trust science” has become a mantra for others, we want to refocus our community on the ultimate source of truth, which is God, and which is revealed to us through His Word.

Student Life programming will also focus on this theme, exploring the ways God’s truth impacts our lifestyle, relationships, service, and careers.

What Happens at Chapel?

Chapel at Corban varies. Sometimes a chapel service includes a few worship songs and a guest speaker. Other times, it may be a panel of students, a faculty member speaking, a community leader sharing about an important ministry, a time of prayer, or a time dedicated to worship and reflection.

Chapel is not intended to replace church, and students are encouraged to find a local church where they can worship on Sundays and serve. Chapel is simply another opportunity to focus our attention on the Lord and be open to what he has to teach us. The conviction and change happening in chapel then acts as a catalyst for the life-change students will experience off campus and for the rest of their life.

No classes are offered at 10 a.m. and offices are closed during chapel to allow students, faculty, and staff to attend chapel together.

Chapel creates time and space for the Corban community to grow together spiritually through:

  • corporately worshiping God.
  • hearing the testimonies and scholarship of the Corban community and its members.
  • learning from Christian leaders from a variety of fields.
  • cultivating awareness of local and global service opportunities.
  • responding to what the Lord is saying to the community.

Map for Chapel Speakers

If you will be speaking at chapel, please use this map for information on parking and directions.