World Outreach Week

September 23-27, 2024

World Outreach Week (WOW) is held in the Fall semester each year at Corban University. It is a visible expression of the vision and character of our university – and more: 

  • It provides the privilege to think deeply about the spread of the Gospel and to praise God for the growing maturity of believers.  
  • It is an opportunity to be inspired by godly men and women, to spend time with them, and to learn from them.  
  • Finally, WOW challenges us to consider how our strengths, weaknesses, talents, interests, and availability may be used by God in His work, for His glory, around the world. 

The WOW program includes inspiring chapel speakers, opportunities for conversations with representatives of many mission organizations, special evening talks in the dorms, classroom visitors, and international decor around campus. 

For more information, contact Professor Annette Harrison,

Registration page for mobilizers:

Deadline: Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Greg Pruett has served as President of Pioneer Bible Translators since January 2007. Before that, Greg and his family lived in West Africa for more than 12 years, where they and a team of local people completed a translation of the entire Bible into the Yalunka language and shared Christ’s love with people who traditionally follow the Quran.

Greg holds Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and a degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University. His book Extreme Prayer: The Impossible Prayers God Promises to Answer (Tyndale, 2014) reveals the ways in which he has made prayer the primary strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators. His second book, “Extraordinary Hearing: Preparing Your Soul to Hear from God” (Tyndale Momentum, 2023) gives practical, Biblical insights on how to pray and how to hear from God. He and his wife, Rebecca, have three adult children, two of whom serve overseas.

WOW 2024 Event Calendar: Coming soon.