Key Performance Indicators

Corban’s Strategic Plan consists of five strategic goals and 22 action steps. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements used to determine the success of or progress toward each goal and action step. KPIs are measured annually, either at the beginning of each fall semester (September) or at the end of each fiscal year (June).

KPIs ensure that we’re making measurable progress toward our goals, and they allow us to communicate that progress with our constituents in a consistent, accessible manner.

Corban University’s KPI Progress Report provides a summary of KPIs as well as a more detailed exploration of each KPI and the extent to which the target has been met.

KPI Progress Report

KPI Definitions

The following definitions will assist with the interpretation of KPI data.

Frame of Reference: Frame of reference refers to more general data, whether internal or external, that aids in the interpretation of specific data by providing helpful context for comparison and reference points.

Indicator (KPI): An indicator is a specific piece of quantitative data used to measure the extent to which progress was made toward a given strategic goal.

Longitudinal Analysis: A longitudinal analysis marks data over an extended period of time. Each set of data that includes a longitudinal analysis should specify the length of time covered and how the data has been measured over time.

Target: The target is the quantitative value which we’re seeking to attain, and aligns with our strategic goals.